IDL Software

Part of the Practical IDL Programming Web

The following routines are available under the GNU General Public License.


IMDISP is an advanced replacment for the image display procedures TV and TVSCL.

SAVEIMAGE saves the contents of a graphics window to a bitmap file in JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PICT, or GIF format.

SHOWIMAGE shows a bitmap file in JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PICT, or GIF format.

Note: GIF input and output is available in IDL 5.3 and prior versions only.

Hierarchical Data Format (HDF)

The following routines make it easier to read Scientific Data Set (SDS) variables, attributes, and Vdata objects from HDF files.

HDF_SD_VARLIST returns the names of SDS variables in a HDF file.

HDF_SD_VARINFO returns information about a particular SDS variable.

HDF_SD_VARREAD reads data from a particular SDS variable.

HDF_SD_ATTLIST returns the names of all attributes associated with a SDS variable, or the names of all global attributes.

HDF_SD_ATTINFO returns information about a particular variable or global attribute, including the attribute value.

HDF_VD_VDATALIST returns the names of all Vdata objects in a HDF file.

HDF_VD_VDATAINFO returns information about a particular Vdata object, including the names of all fields.

HDF_VD_VDATAREAD reads data from a field in a particular Vdata object.

Liam E. Gumley